Horoscopes for the Week of November 5-11, 2012
This week starts after the recent double showdown of (usually!) gentle Venus with Uranus and Pluto, an aspect which tested our relationships, bringing upheaval and transformation. Maybe we did not all break-up with our respective mates but something has changed...maybe we changed our perspective on the relationship all together? Think about it and illuminate that corner of your mind...and heart.
This week has it's ups and downs, more reason to become "astro-wise" and navigate our little boat at the best speed, metaphorically speaking. Here is what we are up against:
On November 6, The Sun quincunxes Jupiter
This is an aspect of social discord. The Scorpio Sun is powerful, secretive, intense and wants to transform existing conditions. Jupiter in Gemini is interested in ideas -- a data-collector with lots to say and mostly lofty or unstable perspective. Today, you may feel as if you're witnessing two different universes with nothing in common. Some will try to convince others into believing what they believe; others will seek ways to bridge gaps. Either way, this is not a calm, harmonious day. That is mostly because of the aspect:it is called QUINCUNX, the non-aspect as we known it in the astrological world. Some say a quincunx is insignificant as it is not a defined aspect, others believe it is the wild card in the deck of life, it could go either way. You just be warned about the unknown in this aspect and ...forewarned is forearmed.
The same day, on November 6 Mercury turns retrograde in Sagittarius
Three times a year, like clockwork, Mercury, the Messenger of the Gods turns retrograde, a time when misunderstandings, delays and snaffus in everything related to transportation and communication abound. Equipment related to communication -- such as computers, phones, even voting machines - have a tendency to break down. When Mercury retrogrades in Sagittarius, people argue about ethics, morals and who's right and wrong. Since this is an infamous time for people to make mistakes, carefully weigh any pros and cons before making important decisions or signing contracts. If possible, avoid buying communication-related products; if you do make a purchase, be sure to keep your receipt. Be sure to double-check your reservations if you are due to travel these coming three weeks. If you know which house or houses in your birth chart does Mercury occupy, you know exactly what area of life this Mercury transit will affect. If you do not know...read below and I will tell you. Mercury turns direct on November 26.
Later in the week, on November 10 Neptune turns direct after being retrograde in Pisces since June 4th.
Neptune rules not only our dreams, but also our fantasies and illusions. Whenever Neptune changes direction, logic goes out the window and imagination takes the reign (wishful thinking anyone?). Make sure you use a double dose of realism with everything you hear from others right now. Not that people are set on misleading you, but it might be you setting yourself up by hearing what you wish and what it is said:). This is often a time when it's difficult to see things clearly. When Neptune turned retrograde in Pisces on the day of the dramatic lunar eclipse in Sagittarius, you were urged (not invited) to take a long hard look at your beliefs and ideals, strengthen your spiritual foundation and invest energy in attaining your dreams. Hopefully you have used Neptune's retrograde period well and are now ready to turn your dreams into reality!
Prepare for next week's Solar eclipse in Scorpio on November 13
All solar eclipses mark an especially dramatic and important beginning. And it all starts with lettng go of anything that isn't working or has outlived its usefulness. Log into your Weekly Horoscopes next week for a detailed synopsis of this powerful eclipse and the ones following.
Of course, this rundown only scratches the surface of what's to come!
For a more complete and personalized account on where YOUR life is heading, you can always book an appointment for a full consultation with me:)
Until then, as I usually say, live, love and learn.
Here are my comments about what is in store for each sign this week.
This Tuesday, communication planet Mercury starts a three-week retrograde, cautioning you to be gentle and judicious with your words. You may not realize how intense your own fire-power is, especially when you’re feeling passionate about the subject at hand. Although you have a point to get across, don’t invalidate other perspectives in the process. That could burn important bridges, Aries, which you’ll regret later.
You’re a seeker, Aries, and this retrograde can send you on a quest for higher truth. Read the work of modern day and ancient philosophers, and blend their wisdom into your own inspiring mix.
The creative juices start flowing freely when Neptune turns direct on Saturday. The foggy planet of fantasy has been retrograde for over five months stalling some of your imaginative ideas. You’ll get back in touch with your artistic side after the 10th. If you’ve been processing some heavy issues or mourning a loss while Neptune was retrograde, you can expect to feel lighter and freer in the days ahead. Seeing people for who they truly are was not easy during this retrograde, but Neptune’s direct turn helps you parse out the real ones and say bye-bye to the undeserving ones.
There’s fire coming out of your nostrils this week, as Mercury turns retrograde in your intense eighth house. Little things will have a way of getting under your skin for the next few weeks. Counteract this by keeping stress to a minimum. It’s all too easy to take things personally, and even get a little vengeful when they don’t go your way now. If you find yourself going down a jealous, obsessive, “I’ll show you” trail, get a hold of yourself and fast. It’s not that you would gore anyone with those bull horns (let’s hope), but the insidious comments you make about people can start a fiery feud. Rewind and be kind. If you must vent, do so to a neutral, levelheaded third party who can talk you down from the tree. Consider this damage control. Gossiping should be a no go—tone down the snark! Secrets will hold allure during this Mercury retrograde and you’ll also want to avoid getting tangled up in other people’s webs. See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil: that is your mantra until November 26.
Past partnerships come back into the picture, as your ruling planet, Mercury, turns retrograde (backwards) in your relationship house. The next three weeks may feel like a total time warp with exes and old friends. Time heals all wounds, but don’t put on the blinders, Gemini. People don’t generally change unless they’ve done deep inner work or consciously created experiences to help them evolve. If you’re going to re-open any doors, keep expectations in check and allow yourself to be pleasantly surprised if nothing else. If your separation from a sweet soul was only a matter of bad timing, this Mercury retrograde could bring an opportunity to finally forge a real bond. These types of relationships could be the conflict-free diamonds in the rough. It’s also worth noting that these partnerships don’t necessarily have to be of the romantic variety. Professional contacts with whom you paired up with successfully in the past could be your lucky coins for the next few weeks.
On Saturday, elusive Neptune wakes up from a five-month retrograde and powers forward in your tenth house of career. If you’ve felt like you were walking through a minefield of office politics, you can blame Neptune’s backward turn. As the planet of fantasy resumes direct motion on Saturday, you’ll get your career back on track.
Messenger Mercury turns retrograde in your sixth house of work and you’ll need to be hyper-vigilant about the details for the next few weeks. Don’t send off a presentation until you’ve had someone else proof it, and then re-read it yourself another time. Who are you responding to in that e-mail? One accidental push of the “Reply All” button could cause days of drama. If you have something snarky or negative to say, especially about a colleague, keep it off the servers, Cancer. Gossip has a way of traveling into the wrong Inboxes over the next few weeks. Don’t incriminate yourself in writing, even if you’re just responding to a bitchy thread started by someone else. If you need a license or certification, use the next few weeks to do the requisite research and training. Fill out the forms but if possible, wait until after 11/26 to get them certified when Mercury is in direct motion again. If you’re looking for work, retrogrades rule the past and people you once collaborated with could come back into the professional picture.
On Saturday, dreamy Neptune wakes up from a five-month nap and turns direct in your ninth house of travel, study and entrepreneurial ventures. You may feel a clear call from a distant land. If you’re ready to relocate, this could be the nudge you need, but that’s not necessarily how this will pan out.
Your penchant for the dramatic intensifies, as communicator Mercury turns retrograde for the next three weeks. Little things will have a way of getting under your skin, so don’t let stress build up or you might just explode. A roaring lion is a scary sight to behold and you don’t want to cross the line from fierce to fearsome. Dancing, making art, running around with kids, and playing sports are ideal ways to blow off some of that steam before it starts coming through your nostrils, Leo. The people around you may have a way of blowing things out of proportion now, too. Brace yourself, Leo, as you might have to explain yourself a few times over before they get it. Retrogrades rule the past, and are an optimal time for picking up unfinished work and completing it. Did you shelve a creative or entrepreneurial project a while ago? Don’t be surprised if it beckons you to take it down from the shelf and bring it to life. For the next two of the three weeks, Mercury will be moving through your romance house, which could bring the ghosts of paramours past.
On Saturday, dreamy Neptune awakens from a five month retrograde through your eighth house, lifting some fog away from your finances. Shared money comes into focus. Learning about investments is smart while a planet is in the eighth house. If you’ve been incurring debt during the retrograde, Neptune’s direct turn will help you get more command of the situation.
This Tuesday, your ruling planet, communicative Mercury, turns retrograde for three weeks. Your emotions will be a lot more raw than usual and you’ll find it hard not to take people’s actions personally. For this reason, you’ll need to surround yourself with the most caring, compassionate souls in your circle. Punch a levelheaded friend’s number into speed dial. You’ll need her to talk you down from the soapbox when you’ve assumed the worst about a situation that isn’t anywhere near that bad. There could be some rifts among the important ladies in your life, which could leave you feeling stuck in the middle. Avoid taking sides or even pressuring yourself to play peacemaker. They’ll have to solve it out on their own—you have better things to do with your time than mediate now. This retrograde could exacerbate tension with relatives, too. Although you wish you didn’t have to go there, it’s probably high time you hashed out your issues. Get everything on the table in the most civilized way possible and try to find the middle ground...tone DOWN the criticism.
Neptune ends a five-month retrograde in your relationship house. If you’ve been ignoring an issue in an important partnership, you won’t be able to sweep it under the rug any longer. Neptune is the planet of fantasy, but its retrogrades can bring guilt and denial into the picture. Take off the rose-colored glasses and deal with it. This will be healing for you, Virgo,
There’s a thin line between friends and frienemies this week, so brace yourself for some tense moments. Messenger Mercury turns retrograde in your third house of social networking, causing more than a few communication breakdowns between Tuesday and November 26. Although this may be unsettling to a conflict-averse, Libra, don’t run away. You may have been keeping the peace at too high a price, sweeping important issues under the rug. The mark of a healthy relationship is not necessarily one that is conflict free, but rather one where you can hash out your differences without destroying the love. Chill with the air-kissing and lighthearted “love ya’s!” People need you to keep it real now, Libra. Let them see you on a bad hair day or in your yoga clothes instead of couture.
Dreamy Neptune wakes up from a five month retrograde in your sixth house of work and daily routines. Getting your day-to-day life back into a more manageable groove will be easier in the days ahead. Neptune’s energy is soulful and creative, so surround yourself with art, beauty and music while you go through your days. Watery Neptune is the legendary god of the sea, so drink more H2O to get your systems flowing and skip the dehydrating sugary beverages and coffee.
On Tuesday, messenger Mercury turns retrograde (backwards) in your financial sector, making cash a touchy subject in your relationships. Mingling your money with other people’s is not advised at this juncture, Scorpio. If you do decide to open your wallet, or receive funding from someone, make sure the repayment plan is spelled out in black and white. Are you 100% certain that you’ll be able to pay back what you owe? Unless it’s a sure thing, don’t think about taking it. Damaged relationships are not worth the price, so you may have to delay your gratification until you have the actual funds in your bank account. Retrogrades rule the past, so look there for renewed opportunities. Past colleagues could have job or client leads, or you might find a place for yourself in a company you’ve worked with before. Reviewing and revamping your budget would also be wise now. You may discover creative ways to scale back and be resourceful, lowering monthly bills in the process.
soulful Neptune powers forward in your fifth house of romance after a five-month retrograde. Affairs of the heart become a big focus in the weeks ahead, as your powers of attraction return. Have you been idealizing someone from your past? Neptune is the planet of illusions and fantasy, and its direct turn can cause you to see someone in a harsher, but more realistic light. Nobody’s perfect, Scorpio. The question is, can you take the better along with the worse?
Communication planet Mercury turns retrograde in Sagittarius this Tuesday, scrambling your signals (and neurons) for the next three weeks. You said potato (and quite clearly), but other people are acting like you said “potahhhto” when you totally didn’t. What’s up with that? Rather than resorting to your fists as you accuse people of misunderstanding you, take a deep breath and explain yourself over (over and over and over) again until they get it. Your trademark sense of humour will certainly be the most important arrow in your archer’s quiver this week. Laugh at the insanity of it all instead of getting worked into knots. You might also draw a protective shield around yourself to avoid these situations. This next month is less about revelations and more about quietly building your brilliant ideas and projects behind the scenes. Retrogrades are an optimal time for researching and refining rather than powering forward with a production. Those gems you’ve dreamed up will shine much more if you spend more time polishing them now. Stage your big reveal after November 26 when Mercury is direct again. Before that, keep the critics at bay by keeping your lips sealed. On Saturday, foggy Neptune wakes up from a five-month retrograde, powering forward in your fourth house of home and family. If you’ve been holding a grudge against a relative, Neptune’s turn is like a healing salve, allowing you to let go and let the love back in. Forgiveness doesn’t mean forgetting, Sagittarius. Rather, it’s a state of accepting that people are who they are. You can’t change them, nor should you waste your time trying. It is not your life's mission. Instead, start focusing on the common ground and building bridges from there. You might be inspired to create a heartfelt tribute to a relative for a special occasion.
Messenger Mercury turns retrograde until November 26 and for the next two weeks it will be moving backwards through your twelfth house of dreams, fantasy, and the subconscious mind. Feel like joining Alice in her tour through Wonderland? Your creative powers will be supersized making this a good time to pick up a project that you shelved or deep-dive into the obsessive finer points of your artistic passions. At times throughout the week, you may have to battle some dark thoughts. here is where you should remember that: “There is nothing to fear except fear itself.” Use this Mercury phase to shine a light on the monsters under the bed. Rather than shove away the fears, examine them, drill down to discover the source of them. Usually a limiting belief or childhood experience is the culprit. Capricorn, this Mercury retrograde is sending you on a therapeutic voyage. A wise mentor will be a saving grace. If you’re dealing with frustration around a situation that didn’t go as planned, throw yourself a pity party—literally. The only way to get past your feelings now is to go through them and move them out of your body.
Neptune resumes forward motion after a five-month retrograde through your communication sector. Your friendships may go through an important shift in the weeks ahead. Some people you thought could be trusted may have ulterior motives and agendas while others who have been under scrutiny could prove their loyalty. Neptune will help you SEE the real ones from the fakes. Don’t hang on to people out of fear or habit.
Messenger Mercury turns retrograde until November 26, and will be traveling through your house of groups and teams until the 14th. Circle the next two weeks as an optimal time to get the old crew back together again. Are you visiting your hometown or your old church? Rejoining an old organization may be just the thing you need to jumpstart your social life again. Just hold off on making any long-term commitments, as you may realize you’ve indeed outgrown this group lately. As for the groups you’re currently involved with? That’s where there may be a little trouble in paradise. Mercury retrogrades are known for causing communication breakdowns.
Back up your digital devices! This Mercury retrograde will be hitting your technology house beginning this week, too. You don’t want important data or treasured photos getting deleted, but things like this have been known to happen during a Mercury retrograde phase. If you have to buy a new printer or modem, rush out on Monday to snag it before Mercury’s turn on Tuesday. On Saturday, hazy Neptune wakes up from a five-month nap in your second house of money. You’ll have greater clarity around your finances in the days ahead, but creativity is also called for. A prosperous venture may be sitting right under your nose. Are you still obsessed with possessions that are clearly out of your price range? Scale back and simplify, as I warned you weeks ago when Saturn the Taskmaster slipped into Scorpio. Living with less reduces stress.
Power struggles ahead. Messenger Mercury turns retrograde in your career house this Tuesday, and will be travelling backwards until November 26. As a boundary-pushing Pisces, you’ve got your fair share of authority issues. Rules were meant to be broken…or just plain ignored…as far as you’re quietly concerned. But choose your battles now, Fish. Going head-to-head with the boss, taking on an entire steering committee, or even getting a teensy bit mutinous at work could backfire in a major way. Find a healthy outlet for your rebellion. Retrogrades rule the past, and people from yesteryear can show up again during these cosmic phases. This is an optimal time to ping an old work contact, there may be some new opportunities to prosper together. A former boss may be settled into a new company and in a position to hire you, too.
A man from your past could return, asking for a second chance with you. If it was only a matter of bad timing that kept you apart (and not something more toxic), you might keep an open mind and slow your way back into this union. Withhold judgment until after November 26 when Mercury turns direct again showing you the real deal. On Saturday, your ruling planet Neptune resumes forward motion in Pisces. Neptune has been retrograde for the past five months, creating a bit of an identity crisis for you. The little girl lost thing is over now, and you’ll soon have the clarity and confidence required to make a move on your own behalf. Since Neptune moved into Pisces this past February 5, you may have felt like starting over in some regard. If those plans stalled during the retrograde, take heart. You’ll be able to pick up where you left off once again
Until next week, live, love and learn!