Week of May 27-June 2, 2013
The Ripple Effect of the Eclipses
FULL MOON in Signs
We are starting the week a bit relieved after the intensity of the Sagittarian Full Moon eclipsed, the shy appears clear again, forces of illumination and advancement are again being felt and this exactly the way we should start this week. A slight shadow of doubt, created by an off-kilter 150 degrees aspect of the Sun to Karmic Saturn can be kept in check by applying your practical mind to tasks and knowing what and how to do anything before you jump into action. To help us through this brief altercation, Mercury meets benefic Jupiter at 24 degrees of Gemini early on today. Considering that Mercury just merged with Venus three days ago at the Full Moon, this new Mercury-Jupiter conjunction has an air of euphoria and success attached to it. In traditional astrology, these two planets were the sole rulers of the four mutable signs -- Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. And that means they were in charge of the realms of communication and transportation. Their dance this morning can add spice to important literary, publishing or educational ventures. The aspect is supported and further enhanced by an energetic jolt to our system when Mercury makes a positive aspect to its Higher Power, Uranus.The Moon has transited into Capricorn where it will meet Pluto. Keep making steady progress up the career ladder with the Moon energizing the tenth sign of the zodiac.
Back to the lasting ripple effect of the eclipsed Sagittarius Full Moon.
The Universe and our world has been filled with an energy calling for adventure, innovation, courage and enterprise, all Sagittarian traits.
This is a time to stretch yourself beyond your comfort zone and beyond the limits of your knowledge. But this isn't just about adding ideas, information, and theories to your repertoire of learning, although that is certainly part of it. Instead, this is about pushing yourself to a broader understanding about what is happening in the world around you, in your personal life and in your inner experiences. The eclipse might have (or soon will) make you realize that what you think you know about something might suddenly turn out to be completely wrong. Not a time to second guess yourself (as Sagittarians often do at the sight of the smallest resistance from the universal forces:) or demolish your self-confidence, this is a time to expand the horizons by being even more open to the possibility of ...being wrong. In other words, be open to seeing everything in a different light or from a different angle. Watch for new insights into your motives, opinions and intentions, coming from sudden flashes of inspiration, dreams and out of the blue hunches or even intuitive or psychic perceptions. Believe it or not, these instant moments of realization are here to stay and will surround us throughout the next 2 weeks while the vibrations of the past Full Moon are still reverberating in the air.
Treat your knowledge with respect, be open to new understanding as the main tool for moving forward.
And since we are at the topic...here is a brief account of how the Full Moon fares in each sign:
Full Moon in Aries
The ultimate go-getter, an Aries Moon cycle asks you to confront your fears about what would happen if your life were in total alignment. In other words, if all your hopes, dreams and desires were to become reality; your passions alight, what would it feel like?
Full Moon in Taurus
Sensuality and creativity are the focus of a Taurus New Moon. How can you bring more love (romantic and otherwise) into your life? By creating. What you choose to create is up to you, but the act of making art as you define it, in and of itself, helps harness the beauty of the Bull.
Full Moon in Gemini
You’re able to accomplish a lot when imbued with the quick mind and boundless energy of the Twins, and good thing too, as a Gemini Full Moon comes as winter approaches and preparations must be made. Be sure to assess situations and choices carefully from all sides with the intellect of this Air sign. A decision now will be a wise and well-informed one.
Full Moon in Cancer
A Cancer Full Moon brings sensitivity to new heights, which can be a wonderful thing as it offers the chance to align with our highest, most intuitive selves. Set some time aside for meditation and reflection and you will emerge with a deeper self-understanding. Luckily this comes at either the end of a year or the top of the next one, so talk about cosmic timing!
Full Moon in Leo
If there’s a Full Moon that’s meant for flirtation and romance, this is it! Just be careful in the connubial sense as fertility is also favored! Self-promotion is highlighted at this time; but so long as you keep it in the interests of the greater good (i.e., you’re highlighting your talents to be of service to a cause or woo an employer), you won’t go wrong. In short, let your heart be your guide!
Full Moon in Virgo
Tangible results. That’s what this Full Moon is all about. Apply your practical knowledge in order to bring a hard goal (monetary, fitness, a long-desired trip) to fruition. Now’s the time for making structured plans. You’ll have the greater vision and nitty gritty follow through to pull them off.
Full Moon in Libra
If you’re faced with a paradox, a fork in the road or an issue you’re uncertain about, now is the time to tackle it. Libra is the sign of justice; it seeks balance. And contrary to popular belief, to achieve it, sometimes you have to walk the razor’s edge. Life, after all, is highs and lows. Without left there is no right, etc. Embrace that philosophy and prosper.
Full Moon in Scorpio
Known for the ability to rise like a phoenix from the ashes of even the worst blaze on record, Scorpio begs that we dig deep, confront fears and change. Whatever it is you’re holding onto—skeletons in the closet, habits that die hard, methodologies that no longer serve you—now’s the time to face the facts and leave them where they belong: behind you.
Full Moon in Sagittarius
Arm yourself for adventure! The Sagittarian Full Moon asks you to set out on a course beyond your comfort zone. Luckily, it also gives you the gumption to get going! You have the courage of your convictions now—just pay attention to universal signs on your way as they’re bound to pop up and guide you.
Full Moon in Capricorn
Usually arriving during the emotional uproar of Sun in Cancer (for better or worse), a Capricorn Full Moon brings with it some cold, hard facts. Reality isn’t always easy to face, but if you’re unclear (particularly as a result of frenzied feelings—like loneliness, worthlessness or fears surrounding abandonment), the goat Moon will break things down and force you to face them. This may sound scary (and it can be), but you’ll be stronger for it!
Full Moon in Aquarius
Unexpected inspiration often accompanies a Full Moon in the sign of the Water Bearer—literally watering your heart center and spurring your imagination on to great heights. Things may feel chaotic (and they may be chaotic too), but if you embrace it you’ll enter uncharted territory.
Full Moon in Pisces
If your health has been less than ideal, a Pisces Full Moon may help bring an end to your suffering—if only by helping to alter your state of mind. Healing and intuitive energies are emphasized during this time. Take on a health regimen.
Back to the lasting ripple effect of the eclipsed Sagittarius Full Moon.
The Universe and our world has been filled with an energy calling for adventure, innovation, courage and enterprise, all Sagittarian traits.
This is a time to stretch yourself beyond your comfort zone and beyond the limits of your knowledge. But this isn't just about adding ideas, information, and theories to your repertoire of learning, although that is certainly part of it. Instead, this is about pushing yourself to a broader understanding about what is happening in the world around you, in your personal life and in your inner experiences. The eclipse might have (or soon will) make you realize that what you think you know about something might suddenly turn out to be completely wrong. Not a time to second guess yourself (as Sagittarians often do at the sight of the smallest resistance from the universal forces:) or demolish your self-confidence, this is a time to expand the horizons by being even more open to the possibility of ...being wrong. In other words, be open to seeing everything in a different light or from a different angle. Watch for new insights into your motives, opinions and intentions, coming from sudden flashes of inspiration, dreams and out of the blue hunches or even intuitive or psychic perceptions. Believe it or not, these instant moments of realization are here to stay and will surround us throughout the next 2 weeks while the vibrations of the past Full Moon are still reverberating in the air.
Treat your knowledge with respect, be open to new understanding as the main tool for moving forward.
And since we are at the topic...here is a brief account of how the Full Moon fares in each sign:
Full Moon in Aries
The ultimate go-getter, an Aries Moon cycle asks you to confront your fears about what would happen if your life were in total alignment. In other words, if all your hopes, dreams and desires were to become reality; your passions alight, what would it feel like?
Full Moon in Taurus
Sensuality and creativity are the focus of a Taurus New Moon. How can you bring more love (romantic and otherwise) into your life? By creating. What you choose to create is up to you, but the act of making art as you define it, in and of itself, helps harness the beauty of the Bull.
Full Moon in Gemini
You’re able to accomplish a lot when imbued with the quick mind and boundless energy of the Twins, and good thing too, as a Gemini Full Moon comes as winter approaches and preparations must be made. Be sure to assess situations and choices carefully from all sides with the intellect of this Air sign. A decision now will be a wise and well-informed one.
Full Moon in Cancer
A Cancer Full Moon brings sensitivity to new heights, which can be a wonderful thing as it offers the chance to align with our highest, most intuitive selves. Set some time aside for meditation and reflection and you will emerge with a deeper self-understanding. Luckily this comes at either the end of a year or the top of the next one, so talk about cosmic timing!
Full Moon in Leo
If there’s a Full Moon that’s meant for flirtation and romance, this is it! Just be careful in the connubial sense as fertility is also favored! Self-promotion is highlighted at this time; but so long as you keep it in the interests of the greater good (i.e., you’re highlighting your talents to be of service to a cause or woo an employer), you won’t go wrong. In short, let your heart be your guide!
Full Moon in Virgo
Tangible results. That’s what this Full Moon is all about. Apply your practical knowledge in order to bring a hard goal (monetary, fitness, a long-desired trip) to fruition. Now’s the time for making structured plans. You’ll have the greater vision and nitty gritty follow through to pull them off.
Full Moon in Libra
If you’re faced with a paradox, a fork in the road or an issue you’re uncertain about, now is the time to tackle it. Libra is the sign of justice; it seeks balance. And contrary to popular belief, to achieve it, sometimes you have to walk the razor’s edge. Life, after all, is highs and lows. Without left there is no right, etc. Embrace that philosophy and prosper.
Full Moon in Scorpio
Known for the ability to rise like a phoenix from the ashes of even the worst blaze on record, Scorpio begs that we dig deep, confront fears and change. Whatever it is you’re holding onto—skeletons in the closet, habits that die hard, methodologies that no longer serve you—now’s the time to face the facts and leave them where they belong: behind you.
Full Moon in Sagittarius
Arm yourself for adventure! The Sagittarian Full Moon asks you to set out on a course beyond your comfort zone. Luckily, it also gives you the gumption to get going! You have the courage of your convictions now—just pay attention to universal signs on your way as they’re bound to pop up and guide you.
Full Moon in Capricorn
Usually arriving during the emotional uproar of Sun in Cancer (for better or worse), a Capricorn Full Moon brings with it some cold, hard facts. Reality isn’t always easy to face, but if you’re unclear (particularly as a result of frenzied feelings—like loneliness, worthlessness or fears surrounding abandonment), the goat Moon will break things down and force you to face them. This may sound scary (and it can be), but you’ll be stronger for it!
Full Moon in Aquarius
Unexpected inspiration often accompanies a Full Moon in the sign of the Water Bearer—literally watering your heart center and spurring your imagination on to great heights. Things may feel chaotic (and they may be chaotic too), but if you embrace it you’ll enter uncharted territory.
Full Moon in Pisces
If your health has been less than ideal, a Pisces Full Moon may help bring an end to your suffering—if only by helping to alter your state of mind. Healing and intuitive energies are emphasized during this time. Take on a health regimen.