Week of 9-15 July, 2012
Most of us yearn for something to dramatically and absolutely change right now. However needed, change won't happen overnight, not this week anyway. It does not mean it can't happen, some signs are more apt to make it happen then others. But with Uranus entering a long retrograde phase, the cosmic powers are dumping a cold water bucket on most earthlings. The coming months will be a good time to review, revisit, revamp, everything monumental we planned on happening. There might be cracks in our plans to take on the world and this is the right time to find and mend them.
The cardinal cross still stands until the Sun will leave Cancer on July 21st, affecting cardinal signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn.
When the Sun will enter Leo, the cross will become a T square, continuing to affect Cardinal signs and most of us earthlings in a way or another.
Everyone is affected differently by the cosmic transits and that is why getting a full personalized Astrology report or an Astro reading is a chance to correctly assess where and when these cosmic pattern will affect you and in what sector of your life. Forewarned is forearmed. Get prepared to navigate this summer`s (and year`s) cosmic landmines, you will get empowered and get your peace of mind at last. Knowing is better than not knowing.
You are more in control now of the new landscape of your life after a few years of tremendous change (some of it unwanted, some of it needed, some of it overdue...you know what I am talking about). However, there are little things here and there that are just waiting to give you a much needed karmic lesson. This week, with Mars in Libra, your relationships sector opposing explosive Uranus in your sign, it is best to sort out, cool down or at least revisit a conflicting situation that went on perhaps too far or for too long...with unexpected circumstances, I might add.
Keeping your life simple and smoothly running is desirable. You had your tremendous chance to improve your security, outlook and bank account while Jupiter kept you safe from the unexpected. Watch out now for little incongruencies, Jupiter might not help you this time but you may be able to help yourself. Watch for getting entangled in situations (relationships) you should not get entangled in so that you do not get into messes of self-undoing. Bolstering ahead to save someone else when they do not have any intention to save themselves might be just about what you are facing now. What to do? Re-think boundaries... and enforce them.
With Mercury, your Master and Commander sluggishly dragging its movements only to screech to a halt by the end of the week many sources, people, attitudes will seem deceptively better than they actually are. You, Gemini, with the help of Jupiter in your sing for the next while are trying very hard to make sense of something that does not want to make sense...or evolve. It is like the Jupiterian energy is giving you the green light and nothing moves. Solution? Stop trying so hard. Everything will happen in its own good time and with far better results than what you expect.
With your Cancer Sun part of a celestial cardinal cross (Saturn in Libra, Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in Aries) things are not easy for you but neither are they bad. They are however, important. Changes are required but watch out for unrealistic wishes, something you know for sure that is not good for you and yet feel compelled equally strongly to actually do. Your home and daily routine has changed or is about to change for the coming...decade at least, you relationships will change when the time is right and your career will take flight again in a few months. These are major times, Cancer, do not get lost in false beginnings.
Mercury entered your regal sing recently and now it is one of those times in the year when Mercury, like clockwork, goes in reverse motion. Everything related to communication, signing of contracts and generally speaking moving ahead with your plans will...well, not necessarily move ahead at this time. Your patience runs thin after the turmoil and run of bad karma of the past years (it felt like pulling teeth at times) but look through the other side of the looking glass and you will see the coming three weeks as a chance to make some wrong right again.
You have been carrying around all your bags (metaphorically speaking) for a long time now. Maybe too long. Past bags filled with inconsequential events, old memories, dusty dreams and what good did it serve? Most probably they did not serve a constructive purpose at all, but left regret, pain, resentment and contempt in their wake. You are trying to hold on to them while trying to start anew. A paradox to put right a.s.a.p. For the future to come make your acquaintance now, you must get rid of the past...realistically speaking.
Saturn has rattled your nerves and life for the past 2 years plus...Uranus in your 7th house of partnership did not help either. Instead, their cosmic tug of war showed you the true colours of people: family, friends, work buddies. The picture they painted was not nice, Hell, it was not even remotely what you hoped for. But it gave you a chance to finally see them in the light of truth, not through rose coloured glasses. This week ask yourself if you, by any chance at all, even remotely, were not part of the revelations. Because if yes, it takes something as simple as seeing someone else's point of view and hearing what they say to make things better. Provided they learned to listen and acknowledge you as well....
With your taskmaster Saturn in your 12th house of endings and new beginnings approaching speedily your mysterious sign, things start revealing their potential for trouble. Some things have run their course and it is the first time you are invited to acknowledge that. Do not hang on to things as you wish them to be when they clearly no longer make sense. Just because you want to hang on to things (including relationships or the status quo in general) does not mean it is good for you. Saturn might teach you the hard way once it takes seat in your sing come October. Solution: bend do not break, expect and wish, do not get stuck.
Unlike many sings this week, you Sagittarius do not have a heavy load of cosmic shenanigans. That does not mean there is no lesson in it at all. It is the right time for you to see how much your life, actions, words affect everyone else. You are an important part of many people's lives and your attitude counts more than you think. Exercise your proverbial optimism when it comes to the way you see (and treat) people. When you expect the best from them, people will surprise you with their feedback. And when you expect the worst...nothing is really black or white. Be kind.
You know you prefer facts over feelings, Capricorn. Well, most of the time that is. When the feelings (resentment anyone?) lead to a stalemate, nothing constructive can happen. Your sign is now part of a grand cardinal cross in the sky with Pluto, the planet of the underworld, firmly planted in Capricorn and for quite a long time. Life is changing in all important areas and you can make it change for the better if you can be brave and act on ...facts not feelings right now. I can't believe I just said that. Long rooted power games are out, long lasting harmony and understanding is in.
With your ruler, Uranus now changing lanes in your 3 rd house of daily routines, siblings, short trips and generally everyday life, you are best positioned to rethink your role and place in the picture. Are you satisfied with it? Do you like what you do, how others see you, how you see yourself? I am not talking about how pretty or fashionable you are. I am talking about getting that spring in your step that makes many things worthwhile. And since you are at it...a makeover would do you good. Time to reinvent yourself, revamp your old beliefs and your shoe closet. Or at least start thinking about it.
There is wisdom in dreaming your dreams close to reality. Hard as it is, it usually turns out less disappointing and leave you more open to the beauty of reality.
With Neptune your ruler now over your 1st house, things you dream may get foggier than the usual Neptunian fog, so to speak. Dreams have the power to enlighten but also to deceive, especially when they have no basis in reality. This is one of those times. Keep yourself grounded in reality, do not make changes for change`s sake and generally speaking do not confuse what is with what might be. Caution!