WEEK of May 20-26, 2013
If you are reading this column, you might be looking for some explanation for that antsy feeling, the sensation that you are floating in an uncomfortable limbo, with chaos abundantly spreading for as wide as eyes can see...do not worry, you are not alone in this mischief-making Universe. However, don't forget the immense potential for transformation these times offer to those who dare.
As I mentioned last week, we are facing a day/week of...change. The word has become our daily mantra this past year and we learned by now to roll with the punches. Let's see (and somewhat explain) how this fateful day will shape not only the week ahead but our lives for some time to come. It will either start as a 24 hour period of illumination of the path ahead, until now apparently obscured OR an irritating time of confusion and frustration. The choice is yours:), as always. I would suggest that we follow the slightly detached higher path of personal transformation, if you ask me, even if it means laboring to tweak the energy field to turn a possibly negative situation into something much more positive.
Aspects will follow each other almost at the speed of light:
Sweet Venus squares Chiron, the Wounded Healer (7:51AM PDT)- opening up the gates to healing and acceptance.
A beneficial trine (one of the better aspects) in Earth Signs happens shortly as the Moon and Sun trine (9:49AM PDT) but the Moon in Virgo is void of course and the trine shortlived, so do not put all your eggs in one basket...yet.
The void lunar path ends at 10:08AM PDT when the Moon enters Gracious Libra.
Under the Libra Moon and during the next 2+ days, the goal is to improve the quality of your primary partnerships and to find new ways to excel as a creative artist.
The healing forces earlier activated by the Venus / Chiron aspect are again reinforced when Pallas makes an inspirational, 72-degree link with Chiron (10:09AM PDT).
But THE MAIN COSMIC EVENT is yet to come.
Just as the Sun enters Gemini (2:11PM PDT), Uranus squares Pluto (igniting 12 degrees of Aries and Capricorn at 4:03PM PDT), Venus parallels Jupiter (5:48PM PDT), and Mercury forms an off-kilter, 150-degree link with Pluto (8:39PM PDT) while -- only 8 minutes later -- makes a supportive, 60-degree tie with intuition-enhancer Uranus (8:47PM PDT).
I wish I could bundle up all these aspects into a wisely considered, illuminating explanation but it would be hard to explain the intricacies, potentials (for success, as well as trouble) and pitfalls of these celestial alignments.
The point here is, as I will attempt to explain below, that a gigantic transfiguration of your personality and soul life can happen today if you are willing to open yourself up to change for the Good. Whatever happens, it is wise to recognize the titanic forces unleashed by Uranus and Pluto, and be willing to undergo some kind of emotional and psychic catharsis in order to feel exhilarated and rejuvenated.
The Uranus and Pluto Third Square
The third Uranus to Pluto Squares is exact today. This is the 3rd in a series of 5 such massive alignments happening between 2012-2015. This year, 2013, we will have May 20th and November 1st to watch this massive confrontation unfold.
For more information on this HISTORY MAKING aspect, read my article "Making History- The Uranus Square to Pluto in 2013" here or copy and paste the link below into a new browser window:
Breathe! This third square is going to be very different and in a good ( better:) way!
As I like to look into the broader meaning and spiritual undertones of any transit, let me reassure you that as the square sets in on May 20th just a few hours after the Sun moves into Gemini, invisible yet potent, our collective consciousness will be ignited under the tense vibrations of the "something must end" Uranian energy. Many of you will feel and reaffirm how your personal world is a freedom zone in this quantum universe, an island of opportunity as defined by The Chaos Theory. The massive collective wave of understanding about what’s wrong with our world offers each and every one of us the hope that together, we can do something about it, whatever that "IT" is. And it starts with our own world. The ripple effect will stagger at first but ultimately create change, as every one of us BECOMES the change. Working on how we really want our life to be, both personally and collectively, creates a flow that will grow and grow engulfing everyone like a tumultuous, life giving river. We will leave behind our individualistic little worlds for an illuminated universalism of infinite potential.
The Sun bursts (notice the operative word here: burst!:) into Gemini right during the most intense phase of the great square, so Gemini’s intelligence and flexibility take over the planet until November 1, 2013, the time of the next perfect square. The beautiful, love and peace making Libra Moon rises during this awe inspiring transit and closely trines the Sun in Gemini, as grace and brilliance of the mind merge. The Gemini Sun also exactly conjuncts the Pleiades, and we will understand (a revelation of some sort) how everything originates and comes back (always) to the human heart.
Feeling better about today's cosmic dance? Good!
Perhaps the most interesting, short-lived yet potent aspect on this procession is that Mercury (ruler of Gemini, now residing comfortably in...Gemini, its own sign) doubling his genius, is exactly sextile Uranus in Aries, which is, of course, involved in the exact square to Pluto. Therefore, Mercury quincunxes (150 degrees) Pluto. The quincunx (an aspect I talked about extensively in my article on the Magic of December 21, 2012) of Mercury to Pluto pushes dark, hidden shadows into the light of reason. This potent configuration unleashes the best of energies from the planets involved: Gemini's loquatious positivity, the transformational force of Uranus and the deep cleansing by Pluto.
A potent sextile and quincunx in ONE SHOT! Our world will change tremendously in the coming months. For now, I want you to be inspired by these mind blowing aspects. And I am saying this because while all the above are taking place, Karmic Saturn, retrograde at 7 degrees of Scorpio trines Neptune in 5 degrees of Pisces. Spiritual strength from Neptune in Pisces is ours if we pursue truth with no compromises (Saturn in Scorpio). These truly are the times that try men and women’s souls. Expect to see or hear of some truly remarkable acts of truth and courage from the most unexpected people and places specially when Saturn goes direct at 5 degrees in Scorpio on July 8.
More on this summer of "guns and roses" in the coming weeks.
Putting all these aspects together, pay firm attention to WHAT you’ve chosen to create, stay on track with your intentions no matter what’s going on “out there” because this is going to be a wild and fascinating summer. Will we be able to recreate our world and planet by becoming the agents of change and leaving behind limited individualism for all encompassing collective being? I guess only time will tell.
Until then, Happy Victoria Day if you are in Canada and enjoy the long weekend!
Until next week, as I always say, live, love and learn.
If you are reading this column, you might be looking for some explanation for that antsy feeling, the sensation that you are floating in an uncomfortable limbo, with chaos abundantly spreading for as wide as eyes can see...do not worry, you are not alone in this mischief-making Universe. However, don't forget the immense potential for transformation these times offer to those who dare.
As I mentioned last week, we are facing a day/week of...change. The word has become our daily mantra this past year and we learned by now to roll with the punches. Let's see (and somewhat explain) how this fateful day will shape not only the week ahead but our lives for some time to come. It will either start as a 24 hour period of illumination of the path ahead, until now apparently obscured OR an irritating time of confusion and frustration. The choice is yours:), as always. I would suggest that we follow the slightly detached higher path of personal transformation, if you ask me, even if it means laboring to tweak the energy field to turn a possibly negative situation into something much more positive.
Aspects will follow each other almost at the speed of light:
Sweet Venus squares Chiron, the Wounded Healer (7:51AM PDT)- opening up the gates to healing and acceptance.
A beneficial trine (one of the better aspects) in Earth Signs happens shortly as the Moon and Sun trine (9:49AM PDT) but the Moon in Virgo is void of course and the trine shortlived, so do not put all your eggs in one basket...yet.
The void lunar path ends at 10:08AM PDT when the Moon enters Gracious Libra.
Under the Libra Moon and during the next 2+ days, the goal is to improve the quality of your primary partnerships and to find new ways to excel as a creative artist.
The healing forces earlier activated by the Venus / Chiron aspect are again reinforced when Pallas makes an inspirational, 72-degree link with Chiron (10:09AM PDT).
But THE MAIN COSMIC EVENT is yet to come.
Just as the Sun enters Gemini (2:11PM PDT), Uranus squares Pluto (igniting 12 degrees of Aries and Capricorn at 4:03PM PDT), Venus parallels Jupiter (5:48PM PDT), and Mercury forms an off-kilter, 150-degree link with Pluto (8:39PM PDT) while -- only 8 minutes later -- makes a supportive, 60-degree tie with intuition-enhancer Uranus (8:47PM PDT).
I wish I could bundle up all these aspects into a wisely considered, illuminating explanation but it would be hard to explain the intricacies, potentials (for success, as well as trouble) and pitfalls of these celestial alignments.
The point here is, as I will attempt to explain below, that a gigantic transfiguration of your personality and soul life can happen today if you are willing to open yourself up to change for the Good. Whatever happens, it is wise to recognize the titanic forces unleashed by Uranus and Pluto, and be willing to undergo some kind of emotional and psychic catharsis in order to feel exhilarated and rejuvenated.
The Uranus and Pluto Third Square
The third Uranus to Pluto Squares is exact today. This is the 3rd in a series of 5 such massive alignments happening between 2012-2015. This year, 2013, we will have May 20th and November 1st to watch this massive confrontation unfold.
For more information on this HISTORY MAKING aspect, read my article "Making History- The Uranus Square to Pluto in 2013" here or copy and paste the link below into a new browser window:
Breathe! This third square is going to be very different and in a good ( better:) way!
As I like to look into the broader meaning and spiritual undertones of any transit, let me reassure you that as the square sets in on May 20th just a few hours after the Sun moves into Gemini, invisible yet potent, our collective consciousness will be ignited under the tense vibrations of the "something must end" Uranian energy. Many of you will feel and reaffirm how your personal world is a freedom zone in this quantum universe, an island of opportunity as defined by The Chaos Theory. The massive collective wave of understanding about what’s wrong with our world offers each and every one of us the hope that together, we can do something about it, whatever that "IT" is. And it starts with our own world. The ripple effect will stagger at first but ultimately create change, as every one of us BECOMES the change. Working on how we really want our life to be, both personally and collectively, creates a flow that will grow and grow engulfing everyone like a tumultuous, life giving river. We will leave behind our individualistic little worlds for an illuminated universalism of infinite potential.
The Sun bursts (notice the operative word here: burst!:) into Gemini right during the most intense phase of the great square, so Gemini’s intelligence and flexibility take over the planet until November 1, 2013, the time of the next perfect square. The beautiful, love and peace making Libra Moon rises during this awe inspiring transit and closely trines the Sun in Gemini, as grace and brilliance of the mind merge. The Gemini Sun also exactly conjuncts the Pleiades, and we will understand (a revelation of some sort) how everything originates and comes back (always) to the human heart.
Feeling better about today's cosmic dance? Good!
Perhaps the most interesting, short-lived yet potent aspect on this procession is that Mercury (ruler of Gemini, now residing comfortably in...Gemini, its own sign) doubling his genius, is exactly sextile Uranus in Aries, which is, of course, involved in the exact square to Pluto. Therefore, Mercury quincunxes (150 degrees) Pluto. The quincunx (an aspect I talked about extensively in my article on the Magic of December 21, 2012) of Mercury to Pluto pushes dark, hidden shadows into the light of reason. This potent configuration unleashes the best of energies from the planets involved: Gemini's loquatious positivity, the transformational force of Uranus and the deep cleansing by Pluto.
A potent sextile and quincunx in ONE SHOT! Our world will change tremendously in the coming months. For now, I want you to be inspired by these mind blowing aspects. And I am saying this because while all the above are taking place, Karmic Saturn, retrograde at 7 degrees of Scorpio trines Neptune in 5 degrees of Pisces. Spiritual strength from Neptune in Pisces is ours if we pursue truth with no compromises (Saturn in Scorpio). These truly are the times that try men and women’s souls. Expect to see or hear of some truly remarkable acts of truth and courage from the most unexpected people and places specially when Saturn goes direct at 5 degrees in Scorpio on July 8.
More on this summer of "guns and roses" in the coming weeks.
Putting all these aspects together, pay firm attention to WHAT you’ve chosen to create, stay on track with your intentions no matter what’s going on “out there” because this is going to be a wild and fascinating summer. Will we be able to recreate our world and planet by becoming the agents of change and leaving behind limited individualism for all encompassing collective being? I guess only time will tell.
Until then, Happy Victoria Day if you are in Canada and enjoy the long weekend!
Until next week, as I always say, live, love and learn.